An editorial board is responsible for what should be included in professional journals particularly in multi-disciplinary professional journals. Editors are usually members of academia. The answer to a seemingly simple question - what should represent the discipline, magazine, editor and finally the university - can be very complicated in the field of tourism trade. The multilayered, dynamic and interrelated sphere of tourism arises from various research bases which determine research methods preferences and their focus. In tourism, those could include: research of tourism participants, the concept of tourism as a meeting, Christaller’s model of peripheral areas, diffusion of innovations theory, Butler’s Tourism Life Cycle Mode, conceptions of formation of recreation areas, conceptions of tourism functions, conceptions of creating recreation centers, conceptions of perception of recreation space, conceptions of recreation urbanization, conceptions of tourism conflict, conceptions of tourist guiding, conceptions of tourism product formation, conceptions of religious tourism, environmental conception, conception of alternative tourism, cartographic conceptions and GIS applications, conception of tourism management and many others.
The main aim of the journal Current Issues of Tourism Research is to search for current trends in tourism and to present them objectively. One of the biggest challenges regarding this task is the question whether we should prefer a deep study of partial problems in tourism or whether to focus our attention on holistic studies. In the last two decades, it has been suggested that it is necessary to form a united science “tourismology” which would provide a consilient view of all the phenomena in tourism. In our opinion, it is not entirely correct to institutionalize trends in scientific thinking. We also believe that they corne from individual personalities of the given scientific discipline. This idea was properly formulated by Rob Law, Rosanna Leung and Dimitrios Bulgarians in their analysis published in an indexed journal Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. They highlighted the role of editorial boards of journals in the field of tourism (the study analyzed 57 journals of the world and their leaders). I quote1: “Academic leaders who serve as journal editors, associate editors, and EB members are a valuable asset to their employers. These scholars contribute strongly to their universities through their active involvement in leadership and their commitment to establishing first-class research programs. More important, as journal leaders they ensure that the quality of publications matches, if not exceeds, the stipulated standard, which is often equivalent to that of other academic disciplines, thus contributing to the maturity of knowledge development in their field...” (Rob Law, Rosanna Leung, Dimitrios Bulharis (2010) An Analysis of Academic Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism Journals in Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research SAGE/CHRIE).
Respected authors and dear readers are an integral part of the magazine. Your comments and opinions should be addressed to:
Čuka Peter (Editor in Chief)
Spatial Conditions for Agritourism Development on the Example of Poland and France |
Sławomir Dorocki, Tomasz Rachwał, Anna Irena Szymańska, Małgorzata Zdon-Korzeniowska |
20-29 |