Bread Mill: an Important Tool in a Tourism-Based Strategy for the Preservation of the Windmills Heritage
The beauty of windmills in the hills of the region Oeste, in Portugal, is something more than a traditional icon in the landscape: it is witness of a traditional society, based on a rural way of life, still alive in the memories of older generations. This rich heritage is almost all abandoned, and its disappearance would represent an irreversible impoverishment of the regional culture. At the same time, there is a general consensus concerning the necessity of the preservation of the windmills heritage, given its significant identity value for the community and also its potential as tourist attraction. However, the preservation of the windmills heritage goes far beyond the preservation of material heritage, since the windmills are connected to a wide system of economic relations: flour production, bread in a wood oven and all related activities. In this paper we present a case study - an event called “Bread Mill" which was launched on annual basis, in order to put on the agenda a structured set of measures to promote the windmills at a regional level, by creating a new tourism product - the route of the windmills of the region Oeste - involving the local community, local authorities and tourist agents. In parallel with the description of this event, we will present a set of measures that must be taken, in order to give a new life to these beautiful windmills.
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