Spa and Wellness Tourism as a Spatially Determined Product of Health Resorts in Poland

Diana Dryglas


This article describes spa and wellness tourism as an example of a tourist product in the spatial formulation of health resorts in Poland. Health resorts are described as a specific local product that could be the object of territorial marketing. The factor conception of a general tourist product that ms developed by V.T.C. Middleton, which refers to building the tourist product of a health resort, is thoroughly analysed. The difference between the tourist product of a health resort and a health resort tourist product is highlighted, as well as the multifunctional character of health resorts. There is no agreement on the definition of a spa in specialist literature. There is a difference betiween the notion of spa in Europe and in the U.S. The difference was observed by analysing the definitions of a spa as set forth by the European Spas Association (ESPA) and the International Spa Association (ISPA).


spa and wellness tourism, health resort, tourist product of area, territorial marketing


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