Future of Winter Olympic Games in the Context of Ongoing Application Process to Host Winter Olympic Games 2022” Study Case: Cracow Bid

Małgorzata Kozłowska


The concept of Olympism, i.e. healthy rivalry of athletes from all over the world, is the fundamental element of the Olympic Games (summer and winter), which are mega-sporting and, mostly as a consequence, touristic events. Unfortunately, with time the idea of Olympism begun to succumb to more profound commercialization and politicization, as sport arenas became a scene to demonstrate power of individual countries. Competition for hosting the Games was always high, due to the assumption that they will bring in investment, boost the economy and increase tourism. To determine whether the Olympics bring profit or loss to the host city, a research that takes into account the cost-revenue analysis, as well impact on tourism is necessary. The main reason for the deliberations shown in this study was the decision of Cracow to apply for hosting of 2022 Winter Olympics and then withdrawal of the bid due to a negative result in a local referendum, which confirms that the society’s opinion of the Games have changed. The application process for the host of the WOG 2022 highlights the changes that have occurred in the perception of this global event by the citizens, politicians and authorities. As a result of those changes, 9 months before the vote of the WO 2022 host, only two Asian applicants remain in the competition. Thus, the question arises about the future viability of the Olympics, especially the winter ones, if the current trend will be preserved.


Cracow bid, event tourism, Olympic Games, Winter Olympic Game 2022


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