Short profile of the specific functioning of tourism clusters in Slovakia

Peter Čuka, Barbora Némethyová, Bibiana Miščiková


The contribution deals with the implementation of cluster concept in the field of tourism in the conditions of Slovakia. Clusters and cluster app­roach had been a significant phenomenon in the last decades throughout Europe, however, its importance in the conditions of Slovakia has raised just recently. Clusters are established mainly in industry, but they are very popular also in the field of tourism in Slovakia. Mutual cooperation of tourism subjects under the concept of clusters proposes new possibilities and raises the competitiveness of the subjected region of tourism. Clusters of tourism in Slovakia work as the Destination management organizations and bring several positives and benefits to the regions. In the contribution we define cluster policy, map the existing tourism clusters in Slovakia and analyze their contribution for the regions.


clusters, tourism, cooperation, Slovakia, Liptov, regions


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