Personality and Resources: Basic lngredients for Adapting and Coping in the Hospitality lndustries
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of individual and organizational resources especially in the hospitality industries.
Furthermore the role of moderating variabies in organizational stress is discussed. Additionally conclusions for training and curricula in higher education for the hospitality industries are sketched.
Design/methodology/approach: Empirical research, cross-sectional questionnaire analysis and conceptual approch conceming training and selection issues.
Findings: Shows modern to strong correlations between personality and measures of strain as well as moderate to strong correlations between organizational resources and personality factors. Achivement motivation could be identified as a moderator between stressors and strain, high scores in achievement motivation enhanced the impact of stressors. Training, educational and selection issues are discussed. Argues for a competency based approach to selection and training.
Research limitations/implications: Low sample size, method biases (single method), cross sectional questionnaire design. Subjective measures of strain and psychological well-being. Uses very brief measures of personality factors. Implies that more data are needed to further strenghten or reject the current findings and argues for a longitudinal approach.
Practical implications. Findings suggest realistic job preview for institutions of higher education and the hospitality industries and competency based training designs on the basis of real life scenarios and bechaviourally anchored ratings.
Originality/value: Combines empiricall findings with questions of curricula and training issues within an institution of high education.Shows relationship of personality and organizational variables, identifies moderator effects in stress reaserch.
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