Pilgrimages and religious tourism of Poles and Czech. Fallowing St. James’s steps to Santiago de Compostela

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss, Franciszek Mróz, Łukasz Mróz


The Way of St. James, which has existed for over 1000 years, is constantly being developed. Since the beginning of the 21st century there were over 5 thousand kilometers of St. James’s Way marked in Poland and Czech only. There are 22 sections of the pilgrim’s way marked with James’s shell in Poland and several more are currently being prepared. In the Czech Republic there are 10 sections available, two of which start in Poland. The cooperation of societies and brotherhoods of St. James from the Czech Republic and Poland is showing great perspectives for the creation of new sections of the Way in the future located in the Poland-Czech border area. The last twenty years have shown an increase and development of the pilgrimage movement via St. James’s Way - the longest and most widely known pilgrimage and culture trail in Europe. It is estimated that the sanctuary of St. James in Santiago de Compostela is being visited by over 5 million people each year. Among the pilgrims from the Central-Eastern Europe, the Polish and Czech deserve attention as their participation in international pilgrimage movement to Compostela is increasing each year. In 2013 – 2 515 pilgrims from Poland and 769 pilgrims from the Czech Republic received the so called ‘Compostela’ - a memorial diploma.


cultural tourism, European Cultural Trails, pilgrimage, religious tourism, St. James’s way - Camino de Santiago


Jackowski, A., Sołjan, I., (red.), (2000). Pilgrimage tracks of Europe. The Lexicon. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Znak, p. 17 – 19.(Szlaki pielgrzymkowe Europy. Leksykon).

Jackowski, A.(2009) Religious Tourism - research and terminology issues.[w:] A. Jackowski, F. Mróz, I. Hodorowicz (red.), Religious tourism in mountain areas. Nowy Targ: Wyd. Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu, p. 237 – 238. (Turystyka religijna – problemy badawcze i terminologiczne, Turystyka religijna na obszarach górskich).

Mróz, F., Mróz, Ł. (2012). The Renaissance of St. James’s Way. Case study of: Czech, Germany, Poland and Italy. [w:] Jackowski A., Mróz F. (red.), “The European Act” of the Pope Saint John Paul II and its effect on the renaissance of St. James’s Way. Preface. Kraków, p. 133.(Renesans Drogi św. Jakuba w Europie na przykładzie wybranych państw: Czech, Niemiec, Polski i Włoch, „Akt Europejski” bł. Jana Pawła II a renesans Drogi oew. Jakuba.)

Muszyński, H. J. (2011). Preface, [w:] A. M. Wyrwa (red.), Camino de Santiago. Historical drafts to the peregrination and the history of St. James the Greater the Apostle’s cult Camino de Santiago. Lednica 2010, 8 (Przedmowa,Camino de Santiago. Szkice historyczne do peregrynacji i dziejów kultu oew. Jakuba Apostoła Większego.)

Wyrwa, A. M., (2009). St. James the Apostle. Malacological and historical traces of the peregrination from Polish lands to Santiago de Compostela., Lednica – Poznań 2009; (Święty Jakub Apostoł. Malakologiczne i historyczne ślady peregrynacji z ziem polskich do Santiago de Compostela).

Mróz, F., Mróz, Ł., (2012). Achievements and challenges connected with the development of the cult of St. James’s Way in Poland. [w:] Jackowski A., Mróz F., Hodorowicz I. (red.), The influence of the Holy Year of St. James on the development of the cult of St. James’s Way. Kraków: Wydawnictwo „Czuwajmy”p. 118. (Sukcesy i wyzwania związane z rozwojem kultu i Drogi św. Jakuba w Polsce, Wpływ Świętego Roku Jakubowego na rozwój kultu i Drogi oew. Jakuba.)

The church of St. James in Letaøovice is famous for its 60 boards which presents scenes of life and legends of St.James. All the tables are described in the of old Czech language.

Wójtowicz, M. (2011). Transformations of the pilgrimage movement to Santiago de Compostela in the period of 1989 – 2010. Kraków: Peregrinus Cracoviensi, 22, 317. (Przekształcenia ruchu pielgrzymkowego do Santiago de Compostela w latach 1989 – 2010.)

St. James’s Way of Zytawa. St. James’s Way of Gniezno - Zgorzelec - Prague. The Southern part. Pilgrim’s guide, The International Associations for St. James’s Way. Gniezno – Zgorzelec – Praga, 2010, p. 8 – 9.(Żytawska Droga św. Jakuba. Droga św. Jakuba Gniezno – Zgorzelec – Praga. Część południowa. Przewodnik pielgrzyma, Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Drogi św. Jakuba).

www.ultreia.cz/svatojabuska_cesta/camino-santiago/trasy-v-cechach/praha-cesky-krumlov/ [Last retrieved: 10/28/2011].

www.zittauer-jakobsweg.de/index.php?whl=16000000 & lg=pl [Last retrieved: 10/18/2011

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